Ready-for-Takeover Project Milestone Webinar

The 2020 edition of CCDC 2 ‘Stipulated Price Contract’ introduced the new Ready-for-Takeover project milestone, which triggers the handover of warranty, care, custody, and control of the project from the contractor to the owner. Attendees will learn why Ready-for-Takeover was created and the problems with using Substantial Performance for handover, the complete requirements for attaining Ready-for-Takeover, best practices for the application, verification, and acceptance processes, and how early occupancy by the owner is handled with this project milestone. CCDC authors will explain the Ready-for-Takeover milestone and how it will impact all construction contracts going forward.

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CCDC developed the CCDC 31 to replace ACEC’s Document 31. Similar to other CCDC documents, CCDC 31 was developed with input from Owner representatives, providing a balanced approach in its drafting. This document also adopts standard CCDC terminology, found throughout the suite of CCDC documents.

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